An Interview with Stefan Becker, Author of Awakening

Stefan Becker is the author of Awakening: Break Through the Deception Hidden in Reality and Find Your Way Back Home. Mr. Becker’s travels and research prompted him to write his book, which outlines what he sees as the current “reality” in which we find ourselves as well as the “key” to unlocking new vistas of human potential. This interview provides an insight into Mr. Becker and his work.

Who are you and how come you suddenly wrote a book?

My name is Stefan Becker, and I live in Mexico. Before coming to Mexico, I lived for almost 4 years in Paraguay. I left my home country Germany in the middle of 2021, thereby exercising my human right to take care of my health and to not allow any experimental and harmful substance into my body which had no proven health effect, and still does not to this day. Before leaving Germany, I had also lived in Canada for 11 years.

In April 2022 I attended a hypnosis session based on the techniques of Dolores Cannon. One of the results of this past life regression was the task for me to write a book for the German people, presented to me by my own subconscious mind which some also call our Higher Self. Since my life during the past 4 years – and even in the years before that – had been in great turmoil and upheaval, I just decided to do it and began writing, that is, the first version of the book which is in German language. 

At first, I did not have any concept or even an idea what I should write about. So I started writing about my childhood and adolescence and all the influences and books that shaped my consciousness so far. This became part one of my book.

On the other hand, I felt completely overwhelmed by how the worldwide C-narrative had been playing out since the beginning of 2020, with ever more intrusions into once fundamental human rights. I saw this as part of a much larger agenda that I had been researching about for quite some time. And it shocked me how fast and far reaching this agenda was now being pushed onto society. This realization led me to writing part two of the book which details how we as humanity had gotten ourselves into this terrible situation, and then everything else about the book fell into place and led to part three, in which I present a solution for the reader.

Stefan Becker author of Awakening

Stefan Becker author of Awakening

What makes you think you could add something new or valuable with your book, since there are already mountains of other books on these and other esoteric topics?

I felt an urgency to help people to wake up and begin to do something about what had been happening to our freedom, our future, and ultimately to our only chance of ever finding our way back home to our source. Since 2012, a lot of esoteric teachers expected a joint awakening of humanity, and suddenly everyone had a new model of how we would finally develop into higher states of consciousness. And all these models were to happen sometime in the future. I have an inner knowing and understanding that we can’t wait for the future but should have gotten into action already years ago. If you look closely, you will notice a common denominator with all the big mainstream narratives being imposed upon us lately, like the C-crisis, climate change, wars, digital currencies, genderism and wokeism. The are being used to restrict our freedoms and our free thinking. So it never felt like an option to me to wait until one of the multiple dates prophesized for the ascension of human consciousness would arrive. We need to get into action NOW, and we have all the tools we need to do this. 

What is the difference between your understanding of the issues you are talking about and the understanding of almost everybody else?

I see almost everything in our physical world, our so-called history, and even our physical bodies as the result of a manipulative intrusion in our realm of being, forced upon us by beings that have claimed to be gods, or are considered by some people as God. 

Here I would like to refer to the books and work of Nigel Kerner and Raik Garve. Raik speaks about the big and small lies of our history (see also the work of Russian researcher Nikolai Fomenko). Just to mention a few of the small lies: The moon landing, 9/11, the assassination of John F. Kennedy, the lies about climate change, the shape of the earth, the construction of the pyramids, and so on. Also the inconsistencies regarding the time frames of historical events. The large lies, however, concern our origins. We are told that we have evolved over eons from single cell organisms into a human being. Instead, we have been devolving in recent millennia through ‘alien’ interference according to a cosmic plan into the fragile bodies that now house our spirit. This was done to us so that the alien beings would be able gain direct access to our divine spark, and to the essence of our being.

All we have seen in recent years shows that the final push to this end is being undertaken (see transhumanism, the download of us into computerized systems). And while this takes place, the divine spark is to be divided from us. 

I explain all this in greater detail and quote sources in my book, and hopefully this complex issue will become more understandable. Unless we face real soon where we are and how we got here, we cannot fathom the urgency or gain an understanding of what needs to be done.

Why would alien beings do that and create devolved human beings? Why would a Godly Being allow such a thing?

To understand this, we must take a look at the Mayan Calendar according to the interpretation and work of Carl Johan Calleman. And we must see in what time frame and universal energy we were born during our lifetime here and in what state we entered this time frame. It goes back to an understanding of the Long Count in the Mayan cosmology. 

Let’s take a quick look at the Mayan Calendar according to Carl. 

Here follows a short explanation of the 9 waves with 7 days and 6 nights, while my time table from the book Awakening could be shown on screen.

The first waves lasted literally forever and created the pre-requisites for what this universe had been created for, which is for beings that came out of Oneness and unity consciousness to experience division.

While until about 6,000 years ago a unified frame of consciousness dominated during the 5th wave of creation and the predecessors of humanity were still fully connected to source, the beginning of the 6th wave marked a focus of cosmic creational light onto the male aspect of everything, i.e. on the left hemisphere of the brain. By that suddenly duality appeared. The female aspects of creation and the connection to our source and our divinity became lost for humanity. Human beings became vulnerable to outside interferences and could no longer freely use their innate powers. 

Within the last 5,000 years (at least), massive interventions by alien beings happened that led to the accelerated devolutionary process we are talking about. Divine source knew about the impending exit out of this frame of existence through the universal and galactic creational waves that were to begin fully in 2011, and therefore did not interfere. It became clear though that one form of intervention would nevertheless be necessary, since the consciousness of earthbound humanity was hijacked. Earthbound human beings were no longer able to free themselves out of their mental prison without help. Volunteer souls that hadn’t been part of the original earthbound humanity therefore incarnated during the last decades.

Why do you think you are amongst the ones who are meant to do something about this?

Around 2008 I learned about the book “The 3 waves of volunteers” by Dolores Cannon. She had developed a technique for hypnotizing traumatized soldiers to regress their memories. Her clients remembered events way before their current lives, and Dolores began to record these memories because they were so unusual. The memories contained knowledge of prior times and ages, transmitted by the Higher Selves of her clients. Dolores realized that these clients incarnated here as volunteer souls during the late 50’s and 60’s to help earthbound humanity with these challenging times. It is my understanding that I came here as such a volunteer soul. Volunteer souls have for the most part not been on earth during a prior incarnation, and thus they have great difficulties to adapt to this ever more digitalized and de-humanized world. These difficulties have accompanied me throughout my whole life.

You use the term “frame network” a lot in your book. Can you explain what you mean by this?

The frame network describes a mental construct defining our understanding of who we are, what we are, where we are, and how we came here. It contains everything that has been taught about human beings in schools and universities and keeps us – the crown of evolution – in a perpetual lack of personal freedom and makes us blind to the dark concepts that lie beneath these narratives. 

The frame network comprises all aspects of our lives such as transportation, work, health, finances, religion, education, food, water, shelter, and clothing, and everything else that is supposedly related to how we got here. It makes us believe that we are powerless to care for ourselves without institutions like government, churches, “health care” systems etc. The frame network puts us in a state of complete dependency on external systems, and the need to have a constant supply of clothing, food, water, and shelter in our constantly decaying vessel in which we exist in this world until it fails by design.

How did this frame network come into existence? In a short version: Those powers have hijacked human society and have initiated a number of devolutionary steps. Whenever they did that, they wiped out human capabilities in an ever increasing way. 

See also the teachings of the Hopi.  Our divine spark has been trapped in our bodies that can be manipulated from the outside. This is how the frame network as we know it today has been created throughout the millenia. They use our unlimited creational powers for manifesting their frame network. We are reinforcing our own prison every day by this manipulation from the outside. We are not improving but degrading.

Therefore, the volunteer souls were sent to earth to help humanity to free themselves from this frame network by reconnecting with Source and the unlimited field of quantum energy.

What is the greatest obstacle to an awakening of humanity to their true potential?

Division. Dividedness by religious groups and beliefs. This has been implemented by the rulers of this world. Division into race, ethnic groups, language, skin color, educational level, cultural background, age. Whichever group you want to bring together, people will cling to their beliefs that they share with others of their group. This division prevents people to engage with their whole beingness into a joint purpose. They begin to argue or quarrel, drive each other apart etc.

Religious denomination: Christianity consist of so many different groups. They each claim that their group has been the chosen one.

Whom is you book directed to? What kind of people will benefit from your book?

All the people who have been deeply confused and shaken by the way the events during the last 4 years (like the C-narrative, climate and other topics) have played out, and who have a deep inner feeling that something bigger is happening here. People who no longer want to be pacified by discussions or appeasing explanations. People who want to take action themselves and regain their sovereignty over all aspects of their beingness.

People who have an interest in the work and books of Neil Donald Walsh, Dolores Cannon, Vladimir  Megre, Dr. Joe Dispenza, Gregg Braden, Barbara Hand Clow, and in things like yoga and reiki. People who are deeply concerned about trans-humanism, wireless radiation, genetically modified food, etc.

What is your greatest expectation and wish for the readers of your book?

That people become truly aware of the dimension and the circumstances we are currently living in. That they understand the seriousness of our current condition, and that they no longer allow to be sidetracked by diversions as well as conventional and alternative media.

Stephen King and the Hidden Messages

Stephen King and the Hidden Messages

What do you want to achieve with your book, and how do you want to achieve that?

I want to achieve the building of a group consisting of volunteer souls that relate to the way I have presented my understandings, and who do not feel the need to begin endless discussions regarding the above issues. This group will map out ways in which we can jointly prepare ourselves to become able to access the field of unlimited possibilities, i.e. the quantum field. 

It will take people who can set aside at least 3 months through which they can almost completely disconnect from their current lives.

It will be a healing place, and we will familiarize ourselves with the mediation techniques developed by Dr. Joe Dispenza; see also his book “Becoming supernatural”.

We will need to find a space where our group can meet and apply all their time to this project. We will need to find a benevolent benefactor who understands what the group will be doing and can provide the financial means to ensure at least 3-4 months for us to accomplish this work.

(For example, the YDC I attended in the Ashram in Canada required a constant attendance of 3 months to obtain the Yoga teacher’s certificate. The participants put all their things into storage for several months and said goodbye to their former surroundings for this length of time.)

I hope that through the printed version of Awakening all readers will be connected to the core group I have been talking above and that they will benefit from the work done by the core group. All these readers will then carry the Awakening process into their families and communities. It is my understanding that the volunteer souls in the core group will finally bring the potentialities of the highest 2 waves of creation (the 8th and 9th) through their work and through their embodiment into this realm of being. I also assume, that all ensouled bodies are connected energetically on a cellular level and that each and every ensouled being on Earth will benefit from what our group will achieve. Without even knowing a thing about who we are and what we are doing.

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