
Your Book Wants to Get Out . . .

You have a book.

You’ve written it once.

Then again.

And yet again.

You let some of your friends read it. (Maybe.) And now it’s time for it to be brought into the world.

Because you have thoughts and experiences to share — and a dream to attain.

You know that people are going to love your book — and now it’s time for you to grab that chance to become that most coveted of person: a published author.

You will do that — and more! — with ARIS Books . . .

About ARIS Books

ARIS Books is an imprint of Kallisti Publishing Inc., one of the world’s finest publishers of personal development and inspirational books. While working with many highly regarded and esteemed thought leaders and writers, it became obvious that there was a hole is the field for those writers and authors who have a great book yet don’t have all the elements in place that an author needs in this new playing field.

So, ARIS Books was designed to serve those writers who have something significant to share and who have a future they want to build.

ARIS Books will be your publisher to take you from the typewriter to the international market.

Best of all: you do not need a literary agent to submit your manuscript.

Here’s What We’re Looking for . . .

Are you a speaker? Trainer? Salesman? And you wrote the book that can lead your field? Let’s talk, like, NOW!

Did you write the great American novel? Or how about a super-sleuth tale? Maybe the newest Harry Potter? Send it our way!

Did you write about yourself? Or about someone else? Let’s see what you’ve got about whomever you’ve written!

This is a huge market for books and readers and we are very interested to see what you’ve written.

We’d love to publish as many poets as we can. Likewise with auteurs. With the people we know, there’s a good chance it could go far.

Send us whatever you’re thinking. We will give you our honest appraisal and do our best to make your book a reality.

Why Choose Us

We’ve been in the book business for a long time.

And we plan on being in it even longer.

Our team of editors and designers will make your book market-ready and ready to sell. And we’ll be with you throughout the entire journey.

It’s one thing to have a book. It’s a whole other thing to have a place to sell it. We know those places. And that’s where your book will be!

The ARIS Books Manifesto

We believe that every person has a book within them.

Each one of us has a book that is within us. And this book can make a difference because it adds our unique views and perspectives to the world. And this is very special At ARIS Books, our mission is to give everyone the power and means to bring their book to the world.

We believe that your book should receive the highest efforts in a clear and simple manner.

Publishing is confusing. And the publishing world is full of empty promises and even worse actualities.

ARIS Books aims to under-promise and over-deliver by making available to those writers and authors who haven’t the access to the upper echelons of the publishing world the ways and means to make a great book with the best available tools.
From high editorial standards to fantastic design guidelines, an ARIS Book is a world-class book made to make a small dent in the publishing landscape.

ARIS Books thinks that everyone should have the opportunity to turn their ideas into reality.

From first-time authors to CEOs with inspiring ideas to seasoned writers with shelves of books, everyone should have the opportunity to make the book that they want to make. Instead of asking What’s your marketing plan?, ARIS Books would rather ask Is it a good book? — and then go from there.